Sunni Times as Things go to Shiite in Iraq

To start off my first post on my new blog, I thought I would comment on the temperatures across the country right now. I don't know what we did to piss off whatever god there is in charge of the heat, but we need to start sacrificing goats and virgins or something to make it end. With 29 people dead in the East, and as many as 164 deaths in California, these temperatures are out of control. Luckily, the heat is starting to back off today as a cold front is starting to move down from the north, and all I can say is thank you Buddy Christ.
Moving on to the Middle East, I thought I would touch upon Iraq and the shit show going on over there. The sectarian violence going on in Baghdad is growing at a rapid rate as death squads from both Shiite and Sunni groups execute pretty much anyone who is of the opposite faction, and there doesn't seem to be any end in sight. Bodies are often found days after being abducted with signs of abuse, torture, and rape. I pretty much see this as a mini civil war already, so I found it pretty amusing when General Abizaid said that there is a possibility of a civil war forming in Iraq. A possibility? When you have two different factions inside one country with fucking death squads roaming the streets and randomly killing civilians, I'm going to go ahead and call that a civil war. Too add insult to injury, British Ambassador William Patey sent a private memo to Blair saying that the position was not hopeless, but it would be messy for five to ten years.
Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki also claims that Iraq will be in charge of its own security in one year. I find that interesting since the White House just extended 3000 troops tours in Iraq by four months and is also deploying more troops to the region. Granted this Prime Minister has a very tough job and is trying to please the Iraqi people, he doesn't need to blatantly lie to his people and treat them like idiots.
I'm going to go ahead and say something that a lot of people are thinking, but no one wants to say. I am proposing that we abandon the current reconstruction efforts in Iraq, and take a whole new approach. It is painfully obvious that the Shiites and Sunnis cannot live together. They have been at war with each other for hundreds of years, so how can we be so arrogant to think we can just make them coexist together. The only reason there wasn't this violence in Iraq under Saddam is because he killed anyone that caused any unrest, that or he tested his chemical and biological weapons on their villages. What we need to do is just create two separate states out of Iraq, one for the Sunnis and one for the Shiites. I know a lot of you will say that they will just go to war with each other, but I don't think that will be the case. Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt are predominately Sunni, while Iran are mostly Shiite. And while there are some tensions between the countries, there aren't any wars breaking out in the region between those countries.