Stop Trying to Categorize me you Elitist Pricks

I am so fucking sick of reading articles like this. Why can't people just do shit the way they want without having some asshole try to cram it into a package and label it.
Metrosexual, Fratire, Retrosexual, it's all a load of shit. All it does is give Madison Avenue more crap ideas for commercials. And when they make those commercials, we have these impressionable idiots embrace these ideas and make it the new fashion of some sort.
These are the same vapid morons, who five years ago, were calling themselves metrosexuals. And now that ad agencies tell them differently, they change their entire persona. With this recent "Fratire" label floating around, we will have these jackasses trying to act like tough guys, and I can only hope a real tough guy stabs them in the abdomen with a rusty knife or broken bottle. While this is going on, the tough guy is also required to use his free hand to repeatedly punch the former metrosexual in the balls, this will hopefully ensure that the mental defect can never have kids.
Just to illustrate how retarded the jerks writing about this "movement back to manliness" are, they used the word "Fratire" to describe it. What. The. Fuck. Almost all of the authors and people referred as leaders of this "Fratire" movement WERE NOT EVEN IN A GOD DAMNED FRATERNITY. The only things I see coming from this fratire label are more assholes popping their collars and Animal House II. Don't worry, they won't fuck it up so bad that John Belushi rolls over in his grave or anything.
Now don't get me wrong, I think Tucker Max and Maddox are hilarious and completely agree with what they are doing. But does it have to be labeled? All this will accomplish is the corruption and twisting of something they've created into a fashion trend. Why can't people like Tucker and Maddox just do their shit, be recognized for their work, and leave it at that. Being their own person is what got them to where they are, not by being generalized by some academic twit so that people can pretend to understand what they stand for or why they do it.
I just am. I don't need to label myself. There are activities I participate in, and things I enjoy doing that define who I am. But I am my own person and cannot nor will not be lumped into some general category by some asshat.
To all you sociologists trying to explain why one person wears something or acts a certain way, stop it. All you are accomplishing is pissing me off. If you really have that much free time, go back to school and get a real degree, or die in a fire. Either is acceptable.